Washington Nationals, New York Yankees Kneel Prior to the National Anthem

by Catherine Smith


Prior to the start of the 2020 MLB season opener in Washington, DC, all members of both teams took a knee prior to the start of the national anthem. According to the Yankees, it was done “together in unity.”

The park was particularly silent for the moment with no fans in the stands because of the risks and worries of COVID-19, a pre-recorded rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner was played and every player and coach “took a knee” on the grass, for about 20 seconds.

The Daily Caller writes, “Every single player took a knee before the anthem, folks! The national anthem is back to being a major focal point in sports ever since the death of George Floyd.”

“We’re weeks out from the NFL starting, and the MLB already has entire teams taking a knee. If you thought this was going away, I can promise you that it’s not.”

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Catherine Smith reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Baseball Players Kneeling” by CBS 17.








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4 Thoughts to “Washington Nationals, New York Yankees Kneel Prior to the National Anthem”

  1. Pro Sports and their Spoiled Multi Millionaire Players and Billionaire Owners and their Advertisers are not longer welcome in our home. or sneakers or jerseys or hats either.
    We need legislation allowing us to pick the channels we won’t not be tied into packages containing Pro Sports channels an. We don’t want to support any of these anti American advertisers who advertise during their games! We will cross the street to buy from someone else!

  2. 83ragtop50


    MLB is toast as far as this family is concerned.

  3. Dave

    Now MLB is “woke” too! Nothing like mixing racial issues & phony political correctness with America’s National pastime. I for one am done with MLB. I hope their revenue & viewership tanks.

    1. David S. Blackwell RN, BSN

      I am with you. First the pat downs and now this.
